Sun Gazing Vs Moon Gazing (differences)

The Sun Gazing is a practice that returns many benefits to body and mind. It is an exercise that supposedly has already been confirmed by NASA. The key to success to sun gazing be so effective, is in the activation of Pineal Gland.

The Pineal Gland is one of the most important glands in our body. It can change our physically and mentally conditions. If our pineal gland is healthy, we feel tremendous energy around us, and we can control our own body and mind.


Alternative to Sun Gazing?

If you don't have time or availability to practicing sun gazing, you can opt for Moon Gazing. Although some people say they don't feel an expirience so strong as the effects of the sun, but we need to understand that Moon Gazing also transmits sunlight (because the moon hasn't own light).

So if you are practicing Moon Gazing you are absorbing sunlight.
But Moon Gazing is much less studied than the Sun Gazing. Moon hides many secrets, and one of them is the gravitational force that decreases body tension.

Discover yourself the powers of the Moon Gazing and share your experience.

10 comentários:

  1. Moongazing is better than sungazing. It also is sunshine but filtered. Moongazing doesn't damage your eyes and is a good method to meditate deeply, because the moon is a powerful mantra in the darkness (easy to focus).

    1. I agree, i honestly feel the effects quicker that sungazing.

  2. Can i absorb sun gazing energy if i use sunglasses?

    1. Then it's better to practice moongazing... You cannot absorb sungazing energy efficiently with sunglasses because pineal gland needs to convert ultra violet rays
      into ATP. Unless you use sunglasses with 50% UV blocker.

    2. You shouldn’t wear any glasses! Naked eyes!

  3. Also remember to remove your regular glasses or contact lenses before sun or moon gazing because both have UV filters built in.

  4. El sungazing para mi es mejor y la luna sólo la miro cuando está llena y sólo 10 minutos. En cambio el sol lo puedo mirar 60 minutos y nada le hace a mis ojos. Él me ama y yo lo amo.

  5. The moon is its own, cooling, light. The earth is flat.

  6. Nice info but it would help & more convincing if there weren't so many spelling errors...SPELL-CHECK!!!

  7. My thought is this isn't an accidental voyage. You wonder if moon gazing is, because you are becoming or have already been spiritual. So how did this guy trolling end up on a thread seeking answers he found? Why reject realities that you can't see. Don't be in denial, embrace who you are! We are incredible creatures and far more advanced spirits than we are taught. Continue experimenting and never apologize for your journey of self voyage either! I love you all and keep growing!
