Are Raspberry Ketones effective or fake marketing?

Raspberry Ketones have gained a strong marketing promotion and achieved a very high number of sales worldwide.
Many people doubt the effectiveness of these kind of supplements. There are so many on the market and virtually any shows results. Raspberry ketone supplements wished to revolutionize the market of supplementation...

Raspberry Ketones = fake weight loss supplement?

Raspberry ketones were tested in the laboratory, although studies in humans were not very conclusive. But by logic, the chemical components present in the product can prevent the accumulation of fats in liver.

The big problem is that the dose of raspberry ketones is not enough to produce results burning all the body fat. This dose also could not be increased, because as we know, we are dealing with chemicals that can impair the function of certain organs and cause hormonal disruption.

Raspberry ketones seem to make more sense in theory than in practice. 

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2 comentários:

  1. Raspberry Ketones and Green Coffee are just placebo effect. I took for 3 months and noticed changes because I went to the gym for a quicker results. When I stopped taking them there were no changes in my body.

    1. Raspberry FlavonoidsDecember 16, 2014 at 6:25 PM

      You are totally wrong Kisha!

      Raspberry Ketones are effective to move the lymph and clean the blood. They do not burn fat efficiently because their flavnoids only work as antioxidants to unclog the lymph nodes and neutralize blood pH.

      If your pH is alkaline you lose weight. So, if raspberry ketones does not work for you, you have adrenal problems or renal failure.
      You should take adaptogenic herbs with raspberry ketones like panax ginseng, rhodiola rosea, ahswaghanda, astragalus, Eleutherococcus senticosusor or even DHEA supplements.
