How to reverse age naturally?

To reverse the aging process is necessary a lot of discipline, since it is based on several factors such as genetics, physical activity, stress levels, diet, bad habits...

Genetics - this is the hardest factor to change, however it is possibel. Studies have shown that our mind and focus on the "present time" can change brain waves to a more conscious state and in consequence our genetic code modify immediately. Try to stay in alpha waves and look for delta (practicing meditation or yoga).

Exercise - The practice of physical exercise is musch important  in our aging process. High intensity workouts in short time allow our body to
stimulate the "youth hormones" like GH and even HGH.
Spints are a great idea!

Stress - stress must be avoided at all costs. It is very responsible for premature aging. Looking to do something that satisfies you. Change daily routine and you just should focus only on what you want.

 Food - Do not consume foods high in saturated fats or processed. Avoid salt and sugar. Eat foods rich in antioxidants and increases the amount of fibers in your diet.
Always keep your body hydrated by drinking a good amount of water daily.
Avoid foods rich in omega 6 and consumes more
omega 3 (fish oil).
The ratio of omega 6 and omega 3 should be 1: 1.

Bad habits - Do not consume alcohol or smoke
Alcohol. deregulates production of neutransmitters and causes demineralization of the body. Smoke contains numerous toxins with free radicals that accumulate in any organ and cause degradation of DNA.
You should sleep at least 8 hours of sleep ...deep.

4 comentários:

  1. Some chinese herbs can reverse age process such as astragalus. Astragalus can repair DNA and extend telomeres, so age will reverse. Is extremely important to follow the rules you said otherwise, the reversing process will be ineffective.

    1. Scientists have found some herbs better than astragalus to reverse DNA damage (lengthening the telomeres), however these herbs are extremely toxic. :(

    2. Yeah but you must take TA-65 and not Astragalus Membranaceus extract.

  2. I believe delta waves in meditation can also help reverse age as well as sun gazing that is not yet fully studied. These techniques only serve as a complement to something that can lengthen telomeres with efficiency.
