Grapefruit to Liver Detox

When the liver accumulates toxins, our whole body suffers consequences and deregulates its hormonal system. Therefore, the liver is one of the most important organs and must be kept clean.

Grapefruit is one of the best fruits to detoxify the liver.


It is rich in vitamin C and potassium and helps to correct pH of body. Many detox recipes contains grapefruit. It has features that improve the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals whose function is to neutralize free radicals.
Grapefruit besides being rich in antioxidants, it is the fruit that contains more d limonen an essential oil very present in peel (about 90%).
D Limonene is also a powerful detoxifier.

  Grapefruit should be consumed during meals to prevent the accumulation of  food toxins (as pesticides) in liver.

3 comentários:

  1. Which grapefruit is best to detoxify liver?
    White (Yellow) Grapefruit vs Red Grapefruit ...

  2. To detoxify the white grapefruit is better. It has more acidity and contains more juice than red grapefruit.
    The acidity is important to liver cleanse (more citric acid).
    But overall I prefer red grapefruit because it has a lot of lycopene and some beta carotene.

  3. White Grapefruits are amazing in Salicylic Acid! Believe or not i cleaned all my acne, rosacea and it stopped my hair loss completely. DHT? no more ;)
