Causes of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Mental Fatigue

Symptoms of excessive sleepiness during day can steal you performance at work, increasing stress levels and losing interest in things that you like to do before.

Reasons for
excessive sleepiness and mental / physical fatigue during day

Lack of Sun - Sun is very important to our body balance. Without sun, our body weakens because many of our hormones need its energy to be synthesized. Hormones like Melatonin are indispensable to live with quality. Melatonin is essential to treat fatigue and lack of energy. It promotes sleep and treat insomnia. 

how to treat drowsiness
Sleep - Sleep is the most regenerative factor that we have. As we already analyzed , sun promotes sleep but we must also fulfill a specific time to sleep, look for maximum comfort and not use devices that affect the levels of adrenaline (before sleep). We should never sleep more than 8 hours, so body will not be in a comfort zone.
Eating foods rich in omega 3 and fiber, helps you sleep better. We shoul remove excess of salt, sugar and saturated fats from our diets.

Exercise - Exercise is very important to get out of our comfort zone and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Intense aerobic exercises are the best solution for this purpose. They help to keep mind focused on present and are the best exercises to brain oxygenation.

Stress - Uncontrolled stress levels raise frequencies of our brain waves (which affect the release of important neurotransmitters) resulting in emotional exhaustion and consequently physical fatigue.

Attitude - Without attitude, we can not change our life. We need action! Focus only on what you want and what realy makes you happy. What makes you happy?

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