Jump to cure depression and anxiety

Jump helps to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms.

Depression is different from anxiety but both have the same origin ... thoughts.
One way to reduce and learn how to control this problems (completely), is to practice activities that point us to the present time.

Jumping is a very powerful exercise! While jump, we can't fell stress, our thoughts flow decreases and our body stimulates the production of important
neurotransmitters to stabilize our brain chemistry.
Among neurotransmitters, the most important to solve this problems is dopamine, the "courage hormone". 
When our body increases dopamine we become more impulsive and we don't think too much. Dopamine also increases our courage and we face problems with normality.

How to Jump and cure any mental problem

Sun also helps in neurotransmitters balance and music helps to promote an euphoria state.
2 powerful tips that you can combine to do this exercise.
So... if you are stressed or you have some depression / anxiety symptoms you can jump while you taking sun and listening some songs that make you feel euphoria.

1 comentários:

  1. Interesting! I read an article about a young boy who cured depression and anxiety practicing bungee jumping. All exercises which defies gravity produce health benefits. Jump rope is also a good way to destroy stress;)
