Myostatin - Bulls Vs Humans Muscle Growth (Hypertrophy)

The difference is in genetics (obviously).
Humans go to the gym and try to increase their muscles, but the evolution goes into decline because the human DNA limits the number of muscle fibers. It is ridiculous to see mens and womans consuming lots of protein, and animals like bulls (only eat grass) can develop a much better muscle structure naturally.

Bulls have less myostatin than humans
Bulls DNA is different and their digestive tract as well. Unlike humans, bulls can synthesize cellulose, a carbohydrate which can make a difference to being so complex and rich in calories ... an excellent anti catabolism substance!

But the biggest difference
is pointed to protein called Myostatin

Genetic of bulls encodes a larger number of muscle cells but the difference to the overdevelopment of muscle due to lack of a protein called myostatin. Myostatin regulates the  muscle
growth. If the DNA encode less myostatin, then muscle hypertrophy may increase significantly.

3 comentários:

  1. Theoretically, broccoli has some properties (like sulforaphane) which block myostatin. However, it is not sufficient to cause an extreme hypertrophy. But you can see that many bodybuilders diet contains broccoli.

  2. Hi,

    Should i take myostatin blocker supplements (like MYO-X) to improve hypertrophy? Or it will make no difference?

    Are there any side effects?

  3. The best natural supplement to reduce Myostation naturally is a substance present in Passiflora Caerulea. However i don't know if it is present in the leaf or root.

    Try to find Passiflora Caerulea extract.
