How to lower cortisol naturally?

How to control cortisol naturally and prevent adrenal fatigue?

The high and permanent cortisol is related to chronic stress which leads the adrenal glands to exhaustion causing inflammation to the body.

improving energy
There are several reasons that causes stress:

- Live always in the same daily routine (suppresses dopamine and seratonin);
- Lack of sun / Vitamin D (important to the melatonin
- Incorrect form of thinking. (Some people think too much and live without action);
- Toxicity (consumption of heavy metals and neurotoxins present in the food);
- Lack of essential fatty acids (suppresses the brain's performance);

- Low Tyroid function;
- High consumption of sugar (simple carbohydrates);
- Lack of nutrients
(fast and processed foods which are poor in minerals and vitamins);

You must avoid some factors to reduce cortisol and improve your health.
Physical stress (caused by inflammation) is the main problem.

Improve your diet with iodine, omega 3-6-9 fatty acids (expecially omega 3), complex carbohydrates and tons of fruits and veggies to support your thyroid glands, brain, and get your hormonal / immune system healthy.

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